St. Moses Children’s Care Centre is a Christian organization, situated in Njeru, Bukaya village 7 km from Jinja.   The Centre was started in 1973 by a Ugandan, Jane Babirye, who saw the great need for a home for orphans, abandoned, displaced and destitute children.  By this, she gathered orphans and needy children, welcomed mothers with their starving children, instructed them in childcare and nutrition and kept them until the children were healthy.  Mama Jane, so named by everyone, was in close contact with churches, hospitals, the welfare office and the police.

After Mama Jane’s death in 1983, a Board of Trustees and a Management Board were formed who took up the responsibility of the Centre.

The Trustees are representatives of the Church of Uganda, African Evangelistic Enterprise, and the Community where the Centre is located. Additionally, the Management Board consists of a member of Njeru municipality and a Probation and Welfare Officer. All the above formulate the policies and draw the programmes of the Centre.


Self sustaining Communities with guardians that can meet most of children’s’ basic needs.


To facilitate Human and Social development of Orphans and Vulnerable Children and to ensure future self sustenance in their communities.


Offering Social- Economic and spiritual support to Orphans and Vulnerable Children enabling them have an improved standard of living in their Communities.


  • To plan, support and implement Educational services for both residential and non residential Orphans and Vulnerable Children.
  • To provide Health Care services for both residential and non residential Orphans and Vulnerable Children.
  • To promote economic empowerment of the Centre through widening its financial base for its organizational sustainability.
  • To promote Community Development and ensure its sustainability.
  • To effect child rescue and integration.
  • To ensure monitoring and evaluation of all centre activities.
  • To empower all organizational members.

Activities and Projects

Micro Credit Project/ Community Development Initiatives

St Moses Children’s Care Centre promotes community development through the Micro Credit Initiatives as a strategy to address family problems.  Through women groups of 10-15, women and the children welfare are considered as a priority because of their high level of vulnerability to social problems like poverty, illnesses, gender-based violence, low involvement in community activities among others.

When groups are formed, members are empowered with different skills and knowledge to enhance their abilities and potential.  It should be noted that formation of these groups is based on a collective support with the community people and leadership.  This is so, so that the people own the empowerment and development process and participate fully in their activities.

These groups are formed with the aim of increasing community collaboration in as a far as Community Development and leadership are concerned among the orphaned and vulnerable families. Loans which range from phase to phase depending on their performance are given. Performance is measured in terms of loan repayment as well as fulfillment of group objectives. The first phase for a member to get is not more than 200,000Ugx, an amount that must be paid within six months. These loans are charged with an interest of 15% deducted on disbursement. The groups are encouraged to save an amount approved by them monthly. This leads to sustainability of the groups as well.

The youth Project.

The youth project commenced in July 2023 with the aim of empowering at least 400 vulnerable youths to become active in the development of their Society through economic involvement and social empowerment.

St. Moses Primary School

The school was built by the St. Moses Centre in 1984 and enlarged in 1996. It is registered by the Ministry of Education and caters for the Centre’s children and those of the surrounding Communities.  The Management of the school is separate from the Centre’s. The Centre’s Administrator is a member of the School’s Management Committee.

Childcare and sponsorship

All sponsored Orphans and vulnerable children stay with their relatives in the Communities. The most vulnerable cases however are accommodated in the Boarding section with the rest of the Boarding children until a given period of time. Also sponsored semi candidates and candidates at Primary level stay in the Boarding Section as there is intensive learning and preparation for final exams at the end of Primary 7.

Monitoring of all sponsored children in their respective homes and schools is done by the Centre’s Social worker and are called upon once in a quarter to the Centre for Psychosocial support and career guidance sessions. Home and family support is provided by the Centre with the use of funds of the foster parents, donations and via the Micro Finance program of the Centre to enable improved standards of living for the good of the children.

Income Generating Projects

  • The Weaving Workshop
  • The Cattle Project
  • The Boarding Section
  • Guest houses

Support us /Donations

For an orphan residing at the Boarding Section                   per month       Euro     55-

Full care, includes school fees, medical, clothing etc            per year          Euro   660-

Part-sponsorship (half = 2 sponsors for a child)                  per month        Euro     28-

Support for Secondary School child                                    per year          Euro   300-

Skills training for a village community for 1 month                                     Euro   200-

Donations for general activities e.g. Christmas, Birthdays etc are welcome. 1 Euro is approx 3900-Ush. +/-

Our donors include; Kindernothilfe e.V. who funded for 25 years and are shifted to other areas of need. Still supporting include; SidEcole and Omoana in Switzerland, individual friends from different European Countries especially Germany, Spain and from UK and USA plus well wishers.


Volunteers and helpers are welcome.

To help in the Centre with

  • leisure activities,
  • homework,
  • teach reading, writing children in lower classes.
  • do handcrafts, games, sports, take children swimming.
  • initiate any other activities.

To help at the Primary School (founded by St. Moses Centre) with

  • Helping in the Nursery School
  • teaching a subject according to syllabus
  • Sports, Games, handcrafts
  • To help at the Health Centre

Duration of stay 1 month or more

Live in the volunteers’ house at the Centre

Contribute to accommodation, water, electricity 200 Euro (250US$) per month

Requirements- speak English (will improve during stay)

                        Love children

                        Be creative

                        Be flexible

                        Enjoy simple life

                        Be healthy

There is time to travel the country and see other places.


  • Bukaya Health Centre was initiated by the Centre’s management. It gives 24 hours services in- and out-patients with laboratory and maternity ward.
  • The Centre is working with African Evangelistic Enterprise Kampala who are the local partner of Kindernothilfe e.V. African Evangelistic Enterprise are represented on the Centre’s Board of Management
  • The Centre is also networking with other Child Care and Vocational Agencies, e.g St. Francis Health Care Services; OMOANA Rehabilitation Centre, Mama Jane Children’s Care Centre and Nile Vocational Institute respectively.

Contact Address       
St. Moses Children’s Care Centre
P.O. Box 1292, Jinja – Uganda
Physical address
Buikwe Road, Njeru Division